Fabryka Osprzętu Samochodowego "POLMO" Łódź S.A.


1908 com­pa­ny establishmenty
1929 start of pro­duc­tion of car equipment
1945 FOS “Polmo” beco­mes a public company
1948 start of pro­duc­tion of the S60 sta­tio­na­ry engine
1952 start of pro­duc­tion of car­bu­re­tors for cars and motorcycles
1955 start of the S03 (350 cm³) engi­ne pro­duc­tion for „Junak” motorcycles
1956 start of pro­duc­tion of car­bu­re­tors, fuel pumps and sta­tio­na­ry engi­nes of the com­pa­ny­’s own design
1964 start of pro­duc­tion of com­pres­sors and com­po­nents for pneu­ma­tic bra­ke systems
1967 WEBER licen­se for car­bu­re­tors and CORONA fuel pomps
1968 WESTINGHOUSE licen­se for com­pres­sor and bra­ke systems
1974 — 1990 Deve­lop­ment of our own desi­gns of com­pres­sors for the com­pa­nies: Star, Jelcz, Auto­san and Ursus, and car­bu­re­tors and fuel pumps for the FIAT company.
1991 start of pro­duc­tion of com­pres­sor units
1995 trans­for­ma­tion of the sta­te-owned com­pa­ny into a joint-stock company
1997 imple­men­ta­tion of the ISO 9001 certificate
2000 — 2001 orga­ni­za­tio­nal chan­ges — the sepa­ra­tion of com­pa­nies pro­du­cing minor assortment
2002 chan­ges in the ownership
2003 EN ISO 9001:2000
2004 the launch of a new pro­duct: the housings for turbochargers
2005 award in the „Busi­ness Gazel­les” competition
2006 Eco­no­mic Award of the Gover­nor of Lodz in the „Expor­ter” category
2007 pri­ze: Leader of New Tech­no­lo­gies, Euro­pe­an Com­pa­ny in the cate­go­ry „Inno­va­ti­ve Pro­duct”, the „Fac­to­ry of the Year” award
2007 — now: fur­ther inve­st­ment in machi­ne­ry and tra­ining of staff, acqu­iring of the new custo­mers, the con­ti­nu­ous deve­lop­ment of the company