Fabryka Osprzętu Samochodowego "POLMO" Łódź S.A.


Unia dla przedsiębiorczych



I. PHARE programmes 

  1. Pre-acces­sion PHARE programs.
  2. Grant „Intro­duc­tion to Quality.„PL0003.07 The natio­nal pro­gram for the deve­lop­ment of SMEs – PL 0003.07.05–01-10–0203
  3. PHARE 2002 Inve­st­ment grants fund PL–1/5–0016Title of the pro­ject: „Moder­ni­za­tion of FOS POLMO Łódź S.A.”
  4. PHARE 2002 Regio­nal Sup­port Pro­gram­me for SMEs 2002/000–580-06.05–04-05.0024Title of the pro­ject: „POLMO — Inno­va­tion in IT
  5. PHARE 2003 ‑2003/004–379/05.02/01–02/05/0098 Polish title of the pro­ject: „POLMO — Moder­ni­za­cja par­ku infor­ma­tycz­ne­go i maszynowego”
  6. PHARE 2003/004–379/05.04/04/04.0096 Regio­nal title of the pro­ject: „Moder­ni­za­cja par­ku informatycznego.”


II. Sec­to­ral Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gram­me action 2.3. „Impro­ve­ment of the Com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of SMEs thro­ugh investments.”

  1. Application.Title of the project:„POLMO — The deve­lop­ment of a pro­duc­tion line for pro­ces­sing of crank­sha­fts for the Knorr and Wab­co com­pa­nies” The agre­ement no SPOWKP/2.3/1/10/136
  2. Application.Title of the project:„POLMO — The new pro­duc­tion line for the pro­duc­tion of tur­bo­char­ger housings” The agre­ement num­ber SPOWKP/2.3/1/10/137
  3. Application.Title of the project:„POLMO — Imple­men­ta­tion of the tech­no­lo­gy of of the pla­sma nitri­ding of crank­sha­fts” The agre­ement num­ber SPOWKP/2.3/3/10/01313
  4. Application.Title of the project:„POLMOMODERNIZATION (pro­cess — pro­duct) of MACHINING LINES for the manu­fac­tu­ring of crank­sha­fts” The agre­ement num­ber SPOWKP/2.3/4/10/2768


III. Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gram­me of the Łódź Voivo­de­ship for the years of 2007–2013. The III prio­ri­ty axis: eco­no­my, inno­va­tions, entre­pre­neu­rial acti­vi­ty 3.2.

  1. Application.Title of the project:“Innovative tech­no­lo­gy of tur­bo­char­ger housings and com­pres­sor com­po­nents manu­fac­tu­ring in the FOS POLMO Łódź S.A. company”
  2. Application.Title of the project:„Grinding machi­nes work cen­tre for grin­ding of crank­sha­fts with inno­va­ti­ve con­trol station.”
  3. Application.Title of the project:„Innovative tech­no­lo­gy of com­pres­sor crank­sha­fts manufacturing.”
  4. Appli­ca­tion.Title of the project:„Innovative manu­fac­tu­ring of parts-pro­ducts for fore­ign customers.”.