Fabryka Osprzętu Samochodowego "POLMO" Łódź S.A.


Due to the value of orders in excess of 14 tho­usands €, FOSPOLMO” Łódź S.A. agre­es to utter­ly obey the rules on the Com­mu­ni­ty mar­ket rela­ting, among others, to: the free move­ment of goods (Artic­le 28 EC); — the fre­edom of esta­bli­sh­ment (Artic­le 43 EC), fre­edom to pro­vi­de servi­ces (Artic­le 49 EC), non-discri­mi­na­tion and equ­al tre­at­ment, trans­pa­ren­cy, pro­por­tio­na­li­ty and mutu­al reco­gni­tion. It agre­es, when making pur­cha­ses sub­ject to the­se inve­st­ment pro­jects, to apply the prin­ci­ples of art.35 para­graph 3 of the Public Finan­ce Act, which requ­ires spen­ding the­se funds in a tar­ge­ted and cost-effec­ti­ve way, sub­ject to the rules for obta­ining the best results from the given inputs.

Com­plian­ce with the­se rules is aimed at ensu­ring the ratio­na­li­za­tion of costs, meaning the effi­cien­cy and effec­ti­ve­ness of public spen­ding in rela­tion to the reali­sa­tion of an inten­ded task. When com­ple­ting the pro­ject, FOS „Polmo” Łódź S.A. will apply the rules for the awar­ding pro­cu­re­ments, in respect of which the bene­fi­cia­ries are not requ­ired to apply the „public pro­cu­re­ment law, co-fun­ded by the prio­ri­ty axis III: RPO ” law.


Publi­ca­tion date Deadli­ne for making offers Inwest­ment
Sub­ject of the proceurement
Public poli­cy: [Y/N] Selec­tion made.
2013/07 2013/07/21 Hori­zon­tal machi­ning cen­ter for machi­ning of housings. Y Y
2013/07 2013/07/31 TIG welding machi­ne with a robot.
Anne­xes to the query.
2013/07 2013/09/30 Scan­ning micro­sco­pe for puri­ty tests. Y N
2013/07 2013/09/30 Ste­reo microscope Y N
2012/01 2012/03/16 The devi­ce for hol­ding tools. Y Y
2012/01 2012/05/31 CNC Lathe Y Y
2012/01 2012/09/30 The screw compressor. Y Y
2012/01 2012/10/31 Con­trol station Y Y
2012/06 2012/10/31 A devi­ce for grin­ding drills. Y Y
2011/07 2011/10/10 Cen­trum obrób­cze CNC do wier­ce­nia otwo­rów ole­jo­wych w wałach korbowych. Y N